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 Baum's Branches: Deep Roots - Wide Reach!


Every week, I hope to share deep wisdom rooted in the 3,000-year-old Jewish tradition with a wider audience.  


Why the name Baum's Branches? Seems kind of corny. Am I signing up for weekly dad jokes from a rabbi?  


No, and I'm glad you asked: 'Baum's Branches' is a play on words. Baum (pronounced as "bowm" not "bomb") means tree in German, which is also my last name. The Torah, the center of our faith and people, is called a 'tree of life' or the Etz Chaim. The Jewish people believe in deep roots as the key to our success, we are constantly digging the wells of our ancestors, but we also branch out, bringing the timeless wisdom of our tradition to the modern world.  I


magine a vibrant forest where Torah roots intertwine with worldly branches, offering a rich tapestry of thought-provoking articles, uplifting sermons, and enlightening podcasts. Each week, I will offer space for spiritual growth and intellectual exploration that will shape our worldview together.  


I will include:  

  • Weekly original Divrei Torah/sermons (either from a previous year, the previous week or even that week’s sermon)

  • Links to articles (mostly from the Jewish press),

  • podcasts, and videos that helped shape my view of the world this week


More to come!  I created this digital digest for my beloved chaverim/congregants, Congregation Shaarei Kodesh of Boca Raton, who are looking to delve a little deeper each week, but also those around the world whom I may know or whom I’ve never met. I’ve been in Boca Raton a long time now, and not everyone stays in our area, so this digital digest is a way for me to share my Torah with you, both near and far!  Whether you're seeking guidance, inspiration, or simply a moment of reflection before Shabbat, you can grab onto 'Baum's Branches,' reflect, and prepare for a day of reflection and rest.


Click on the link above to subscribe!

© 2022 Rabbi David Baum

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