Baruch Dayan HaEmet
We are devastated to announce that our mother, Rachel Musman Baum, passed away this morning after a long illness. Tisha B’Av will forever be a personally sad day, as it will be our mother’s yahrtzeit.
Our mother was very private about her health and didn’t want to speak about it. She suffered from an autoimmune disease that attacked her lungs. She suffered for years, but she never complained, and never wanted to be pitied. It took everything in her to start using oxygen all the time. Over the last 6 months, we went through a rigorous process for a lung transplant, and she was placed on the list last Friday. This morning, we received word that they might have found a match and we’re beginning to prepare her, but unfortunately, she had no time left. We have a bit of solace knowing she left this world with hope in her heart.
There will be more information to follow about her incredible life. She was the first female Finance Director in Miami-Dade County history and had an incredible career of service to Miami-Dade county, but her greatest accomplishment was as a wife to her loving husband of 50 years, mother to her three children and their spouses, and grandmother to seven.
Our mother was an incredible woman. She came to this country without speaking a word of English and achieved greatness in everything she did, and was humble through it all.
Our Sincere condolences to her Loving husband, Alex, Children Rabbi David (Alissa), Richard (Julie), Sandy (Aram), and Grandchildren Avi, Harrison, Layla, Sammy, Max, Galia, and Naya Funeral Services Sunday, July 30 at 1 PM B'nai Aviv 1410 Indian Trace, Weston, FL 33326 Burial at Menorah Gardens following the service 21100 Griffin Road Southwest Ranches, FL 33332